Facebook Online Dating Matchmaker – How to Meet Singles on FB Dating App Who Are In For A Serious Relationship

Singles on FB Dating App. In today’s digital age, finding a life partner has evolved significantly with the advent of online dating. Facebook Dating is one of the newest and most innovative platforms, designed to help you find serious relationships, including those looking for marriage. This guide will show you how to use the FB Dating app to meet singles who are ready for a lifelong commitment.

Setting Up Your Facebook Dating Profile

The first step to meeting singles ready for marriage on Facebook Dating is creating an appealing and authentic profile. Here’s how to get started:

1. Accessing Facebook Dating: Open the Facebook app on your mobile device. Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) and select “Dating” from the list. Ensure your app is updated to the latest version if you can’t find it.

2. Creating Your Profile:

  • Profile Picture: Use a clear, high-quality photo where you are smiling and appear approachable. Avoid group photos or heavily filtered images.
  • Bio: Write a concise and engaging bio. Highlight your interests, hobbies, and what you’re looking for in a partner. Be genuine and honest about your desire for marriage.
  • Additional Photos: Include photos that showcase different aspects of your life. Photos of you engaging in hobbies, traveling, or with pets can make your profile more appealing.

3. Setting Preferences: Tailor your dating profile to attract singles ready for marriage by setting the right preferences:

  • Location: Specify the distance range within which you want to find matches.
  • Age Range: Set the age range that fits your dating preferences.
  • Relationship Goals: Make it clear that you are looking for a serious relationship and marriage.
  • Interests and Activities: Highlight interests that align with long-term goals and family values.

Utilizing Facebook Dating Filters

To effectively find singles who are ready for marriage, use Facebook Dating’s robust filter options:

1. Relationship Goals: Set your relationship goals to indicate that you are looking for a serious relationship or marriage. This filter will help you find like-minded individuals who are also looking for long-term commitments.

2. Age and Location: Adjust the age range to match your preferences for a potential spouse. Ensure the location filter is set to a distance that is practical for building a relationship.

3. Interests and Values: Use filters to find matches who share your interests and values. Whether it’s family-oriented activities, religious beliefs, or career goals, aligning on these aspects can lay a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Engaging with Potential Matches

Once you’ve set up your profile and filters, the next step is to engage with potential matches. Here’s how to do it effectively:

1. Starting Conversations:

  • Be Genuine: When initiating a conversation, start with a friendly and genuine greeting. Mention something specific from their profile that caught your attention to show that you’ve taken the time to read their information.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Engage in meaningful conversations by asking open-ended questions. Instead of yes/no questions, ask about their hobbies, interests, and life experiences. This encourages more detailed responses and keeps the conversation flowing.
  • Share About Yourself: A conversation is a two-way street. Share your interests and stories to keep the dialogue balanced. This gives your match a fuller picture of who you are.

2. Discussing Relationship Goals: Early on in the conversation, bring up your intentions about looking for marriage. This ensures that both parties are on the same page and helps avoid mismatched expectations. Be honest and clear about what you are looking for in a partner and a relationship.

Moving to Real-Life Meetings

After establishing a rapport online, the next natural step is to meet in person:

1. Choose a Public Place: For the first meeting, choose a public and neutral location like a coffee shop, park, or restaurant. This ensures safety and comfort for both parties.

2. Plan Together: Involve your match in planning the date. This not only shows consideration but also ensures that both of you are comfortable with the arrangements.

3. Prioritize Safety: Always let a friend or family member know about your plans. Share your location and expected time of return. Safety should always be a priority.

4. Look for Compatibility: During your meeting, observe if your match’s values, interests, and relationship goals align with yours. Compatibility is key for a successful long-term relationship.

Building a Relationship

Once you’ve found someone who shares your goals and interests, focus on building a strong and healthy relationship:

1. Be Authentic and Honest: Authenticity and honesty are crucial for building trust. Be yourself and let your true personality shine through. Share your thoughts and feelings openly.

2. Communicate Effectively: Effective communication is the foundation of any relationship. Regularly check in with your partner, discuss your feelings, and address any concerns promptly. Open and honest communication helps to build a strong connection.

3. Respect Boundaries and Pace: Respect your partner’s boundaries and the pace at which they are comfortable moving forward. Every relationship progresses differently, and it’s important to ensure both parties feel comfortable and respected.

4. Plan for the Future: Discuss your plans and see if they align. Talk about important topics such as career goals, family planning, and lifestyle choices. Aligning these aspects early on can prevent conflicts down the line.

Utilizing Facebook Dating’s Additional Features

Facebook Dating offers additional features that can help enhance your dating experience:

1. Secret Crush: The Secret Crush feature allows you to select up to nine Facebook friends or Instagram followers you’re interested in. If they add you to their Secret Crush list, you’ll both be notified of the match. This feature can be a fun way to explore existing connections.

2. Events and Groups: Participate in local events and join groups that interest you. Facebook Dating integrates these activities into your profile, which can lead to organic matches based on shared experiences and interests.

3. Daily Suggestions: Facebook Dating provides daily match suggestions based on your preferences and activities. Make it a habit to review these suggestions and reach out to those who catch your eye.


Singles on FB Dating App. Facebook Dating provides a comprehensive platform with numerous filter options designed to help you find singles who are ready for marriage. By setting up an authentic profile, using the filter options effectively, engaging in meaningful conversations, and focusing on building a strong relationship, you can significantly enhance your chances of finding true love. Remember to be patient, stay true to yourself, and enjoy the journey towards finding your perfect match.

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